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April & May Visits to Levine Children’s Hospital
More great times at Levine Children’s Hospital! Special prayers for Ethan & Jaden!
IOC Ends Year at Levine Children’s Hospital!
There was karoake singing, instruments playing, and toys being given! The kids were such a blast! Thank you to our volunteers who made them and their parents feel right at home with us! Prayers for healings as always!
IOC November Levine Children’s Hospital Visit
It’s quite humbling to hear a parent tell you and your volunteers that their child smiled the first time that day while with our group. The kids were so much fun to be with and they seemed to especially like the sound effects from the synthesizer keyboard we brought, and of course the toys we […]
IOC Levine Children’s Hospital October Visit
Another great night at Levine Children’s Hospital! Great to see kids getting healthy! Prayers for all the families and kids going through some type of health issue. You are in great hands though! God Bless as always!
Aug & Sept Levine Children’s Hospital Visits
Great time both August & September Levine Children’s Hospital visits! Special prayers for Sam, Jace, & Chance and their families. May God be with you guys and prayers for healing! You are special kids! Special Thank You to Phyllis & Todd (Warren) for being such great volunteers! God Bless you guys!
IOC + Taco’s = Good Combination
We had the privilege to meet up with some kids from Rock Hill Children’s Attention Home at Taco Bell and have dinner! I felt sorry for the customers behind us, but they seemed to understand, much thanks for your patience! And many thanks to the Taco Bell staff and managers. Great Job!!!!!
July Event at Levine Children’s Hospital
Another great time at Levine Children’s Hospital! The electronic drums seem to be the favorite, along with the stuffed animals we give. So glad we get to be a part of such a great organization! Amen!
Faith Assembly Church VBS!
Thanks again Matt and the kids at Faith Assembly Church! What a great VBS event we had with you again. Can’t speak enough of how great it was to see you and the kids again! What a special and fun time it was! God Bless and see ya soon!
Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Visit!
What a great morning we had with the Sunday School kids at Steele Creek Presbyterian Church! The kids were so great! Have a great summer!
Levine Children’s Hospital Visit
Another great time we had volunteering! We brought a new electronic drum kit that the kids seemed to enjoy immensely! See you next month and God Bless!
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