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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rock Hill Children’s Attention Home – Thank You!

Thank you Rock Hill Children’s Attention Home! It was loud and alot of fun! God Bless your staff and the kids!


Instruments of Christ has completed it’s orientation with Levine Children’s Hospital and Rock Hill Children’s Attention Home, where we will be doing assorted events for the kids. IOC cannot thank these great organizations enough to let us be a part of the amazing things they are doing for children. God Bless them!

Levine Children’s Hospital Visit

Thank you Levine Children’s Hospital! What a great time we had, and what a great Hospital and organization you are! God Bless the kids and your staff! See you again soon!  

Thanks Faith Assembly Church!

Thanks again Faith Assembly Church and Matt Shearer! Your church is a blessing! We had such a good time today!

June 10th – Faith Assembly Church – Rock Hill SC

Instruments of Christ will be at Faith Assembly Church this Friday June 10th at 10:00 – 11:30 with their Vacation Bible School kids. Come out and join us!

Vacation Bible School

We are currently planning Vacation Bible School events for the summer. If your organization is interested, send us an email at info@instrumentsofchrist.org. It’s going to be a great 2016!

     Merry Christmas!!! See ya in 2016!!

September Monthly Giveaway

This month’s giveaway is a guitar. To enter, just send us your name and address to info@instrumentsofchrist.org. No age limit required and please allow 30 to 60 days to receive the item if you win.

June Monthly Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Joseph from New York City for winning June monthly giveaway! Check out the September Monthly Giveaway.

April Monthly Giveaway Winner

Congratulations, Betsy, from Minnesota for winning the April monthly giveaway, the Rogue acoustic guitar! Check out June’s Monthly Giveaway and enter today!    

Monthly Archives